By Last Updated: June 20, 2022

Your smile is one of the first things that people notice when they look at your face. It’s your chance to make an immediate impact when meeting a new person, but oftentimes our teeth don’t communicate our ideal message.

Many people are now researching methods for improving their smile. There are numerous treatment options available through qualified dental professionals, and in this article, we’ll review five of the most popular methods!

  1. Whitening Services
    Teeth whitening treatment is becoming exceptionally popular across Canada as patients look to achieve the desired shade of white quickly and for the long-term. Luckily, there are a number of whitening treatment options available! One of the more popular is laser whitening services, such as the ZOOM whitening system, which uses light to remove tough surface stains.
  2. Invisalign
    Invisalign aligning products can be custom-made to help you attain straight teeth without the need for traditional braces. It’s a treatment that can be completed over several months, with a new aligner used every two weeks to correspond with the current level of teeth alignment. you’ll have straight teeth that highlight your exceptional smile.
  3. Avoid Staining Food and Drinks
    Products such as coffee, wine, and tea are notorious for the effect they have on teeth. These drinks leave lasting stains on teeth which can impact their colour for several years. By avoiding these, you can protect the natural white colour of your smile and prevent the need for whitening products. Candy is also known to contain staining agents, as well as fruits like blueberries and strawberries. It’s important to avoid foods rich in bright colour as much as possible when trying to retain a healthy shining smile.
  4. Give Up Smoking
    Smoking not only stains teeth, but also inhibits healthy gum growth, and causes the bone to lose around the teeth. It’s an activity that can lead to the gums receding, which then causes teeth to appear longer and jagged over time. By quitting, smokers can help protect their oral health and ensure their gums return to a normal position while limiting tooth staining.
  5. Veneers
    Veneers can be an option for those who aren’t comfortable with their current smile. They consist of a thin layer of material that’s placed over the tooth to improve aesthetics and protect teeth from damage. Products such as componeers are now providing cost-averse patients the ability to improve their smile in ways that more expensive options may not allow.By simply reviewing your market options, you’ll discover an array of choices for future treatment! There is a range of options to help improve the look of your smile. Speak with your local dental health specialist to find a treatment that suits your long-term needs.