By Last Updated: March 7, 2022


Often, severe tooth pain is caused by an injury either directly to the tooth, or to the soft tissue in the mouth. Sometimes, severe tooth pain can also arise without an obvious cause. In this case, the pain could be from an exposed nerve due to tooth decay.

If pieces of food become lodged between the teeth for long periods of time, you could develop a dental abscess, which is an infection of the teeth and gums. Abscesses can be extremely painful, and, if left untreated, become a serious health issue. It’s very important to follow a good oral hygiene routine, including flossing daily, in order to avoid the bacteria buildup that can lead to infection.

No matter what the cause, it’s important that any severe tooth pain is examined and treated by your dentist as soon as possible. You may require emergency dentistry to treat the problem. It’s definitely helpful to speak to your dentist before there’s an issue about emergency dentistry. If severe pain occurs outside of your dentist’s opening hours, you should make sure you know what to do and who to call.

The first thing you should do if you experience severe tooth pain is contact your dentist and make an appointment for as soon as possible. In the meantime, there are some things you can do to help ease the pain.

  • Rinse your mouth with lukewarm saltwater: This can help alleviate pain and swelling in the gums.
  • Take a painkiller: Over-the-counter medication such as advil or tylenol can help ease the pain. However, painkillers only treat the symptoms, not the cause, so even if they do help, you still have to go see your dentist.
  • Brush and floss: Flossing and brushing may ease the pain if it’s caused by food stuck in your teeth.
  • Clove oil: Clove oil can act as a numbing agent. If you’ve lost a filling or crown, you can apply clove oil using a q-tip to help ease the sensitivity.

Even if these treatments help with the pain, it’s still essential you visit your dentist right away to address the issue causing the pain. Often, dental pain is easy to diagnose and treat. Even if it is after hours, it’s important that you seek emergency dentistry. If left untreated too long, dental problems can have disastrous effects on your health. It’s best to be safe, and see your dentist right away.