By Last Updated: March 7, 2022


Common Braces Myths

Many people getting braces for the first time go into the experience with some misconceptions about what it is going to entail and how it is going to affect their lives. Some people, especially those who are getting braces later in life, associate braces with their teenage years and assume that the fears and myths surrounding braces they once had still held true when they are an adult. If you are considering getting braces, whether you are young or old, and want to know which of those myths you can ignore, below are 4 common myths about braces.

People only get braces if there is something cosmetically wrong with their teeth

While it is certainly a big luxury to have that picture-perfect smile you’ve always dreamed of, there are other reasons that people opt to get braces. One of the major benefits of braces is that by aligning your teeth properly, you don’t have to worry about what foods you eat. Some people stay away from certain foods because the alignment of their teeth makes eating them uncomfortable. When your mouth is crowded, it can also make cleaning your teeth and gums properly quite difficult (another reason braces are not just simply cosmetic).

Once you reach a certain age you’re too old for braces

This is, perhaps, the biggest myth about braces. People assume that if they don’t get braces while they are adolescents, the time for braces has passed and they must live with the teeth that they have. It is never too late to make a big change to your oral health and improve the alignment of your teeth. Braces technology has evolved considerably since your youth, and the look and feel of braces do not have to interfere with your adult life.

If I wear my rubber bands 50 percent of the time it will work just fine

Some people think that by simply wearing their rubber bands half the time, they are still going to get the results they are looking for. Not the case. Braces are designed to be worn for a very specific amount of time (depending on your particular case), and following the instructions given to you by your orthodontist is the only way to ensure you get the full benefit of your braces.

My teeth ended up shifting because my orthodontist was careless

Some people think that braces are going to be a one-time cure for their dental problems for the rest of their lives. When they find out that teeth can still shift throughout one’s life, even after a round of braces, they automatically assume that it was because their orthodontist didn’t do a proper job. This is not always the case, and you should evaluate the results of your braces on a case-by-case basis.

Braces are by no means a small decision, but they are certainly not the end of the world. They are also not the cure-all that some people make them out to be. If you go into your braces treatment with the above information in mind, however, you will be better emotionally prepared for what lies ahead and will be able to get the most out of your braces treatment.