By: Last Updated: March 7, 2022


The misconceptions around root canal therapy come from a lack of general knowledge about the procedure. Knowing the facts about root canal therapy helps you feel more confident about undergoing root canal therapy while ensuring that you get the best results possible.

Root Canal Therapy Essentials

The following are five things to know about root canal therapy.

  1. Root Canal Therapy is a Common Procedure Root canal treatments are performed all over the world. There are more than 15 million root canals performed each year, giving patients relief from chronic dental issues and improving their overall health.
  2. You Have Options Root canal therapy can be done by your local dentist or an endodontist. An endodontist specializes in procedures involving the pulp, which is the soft tissue inside your teeth.
  3. Why You Need a Route Canal A root canal is applied when the pulp inside the tooth is affected by inflammation or infection. This is often caused by deep tooth decay, trauma to the tooth or severe gum disease. If the affected tissue isn’t removed, it can spread into surrounding areas. This causes additional damage and creates more serious issues that are harder to manage.
  4. How the Procedure Works Root canal therapy repairs infected or decayed teeth. Your dentist injects local anesthesia to numb the affected tooth and surrounding tissues. You may feel the first injection, but the remainder of the procedure is virtually painless. A thin piece of vinyl or rubber known as a dental dam is placed over the diseased tooth. This isolates it from the rest of the mouth and keeps the area sterile. An opening is drilled into the tooth to provide access to the interior pulp. Your dentist uses specially designed tools to remove infected pulp tissue from the tooth.Once all of the dead and dying pulp is removed, the inner canals are thoroughly disinfected, shaped, and cleaned. The area is filled with a rubber-like material and sealed tightly to prevent reinfection. A temporary or permanent filling is then placed on the original access hole and the dental dam is removed.
  5. What Happens After Root Canal Therapy? After the procedure, you may experience soreness that can be managed with aspirin or ibuprofen. You may also be prescribed antibiotics to treat or prevent infection. If your dentist uses a temporary filling, you may need to have your dentist place a permanent crown soon after the treatment. You should try to avoid biting or chewing on the tooth until a permanent filling is in place.

Consulting with your dentist gives you the information and resources you need to undergo root canal therapy treatments. Understanding the procedures eliminates any misconceptions you may have so that you can get relief from pain and a healthy smile.