A root canal can save a tooth that otherwise needed to be extracted. Root canals can be a lengthy and sometimes uncomfortable procedure that most of us try our best to avoid. The process of tooth correction through a root canal tends to be more detailed than a cavity filling, and it is a procedure that is performed more often than you may think. How are you to know if you might need a root canal? Well, for starters, the best way to know is by making an appointment with a dentist. They will know all of the necessary signs that mean a root canal might be in the near future.
If you are unable to make it to the dentist soon, there are other ways to tell whether or not you may be a candidate for a root canal procedure. By paying mind to these symptoms, you could catch the situation soon enough to where it is possible a root canal may not be the only solution.
Be on the lookout of these signs:
- Swelling of the gums
- Redness of the gums
- Pain or discomfort when you chew
- Lingering pain for more than one minute after drinking something hot or cold.
- Intense throbbing
- Spontaneous pain (wakes you up at night)
- Darkened teeth
- Broken tooth
- General decay
All of the above can be symptoms for many dental issues, though not necessarily all treated through a root canal. If you would like to know for sure if a root canal is necessary, there is only one way to truly find out. Visit your dentist immediately if you experience any of the above symptoms. The longer you wait, the worse the problem is likely to become.
There are several tests a dentist might do in order to determine whether a root canal is needed. X-rays are perhaps the easiest and most common way to check on the health of your teeth. Thermal testing and electric pulp testing, among other similar tests may also be performed. Your dentist will know which tests are necessary to perform to determine whether a root canal is needed or not.
A root canal is a procedure that is imperative for some oral health issues. Many people end up getting this procedure done throughout their life. If you ever are told that you need this procedure, don’t fret. Simply visit a dentist and allow them to take care of the situation immediately. It could be the only thing that saves the rest of your teeth from becoming unhealthy!