Sadly, cavities aren’t reserved for adults. Kids can suffer from dental caries too. A cavity forms when a tooth develops decay, meaning it breaks down creating a hole. These holes can grow bigger over time and can lead to horrible oral health problems. Because cavities in children are on the rise, you need to be extra vigilant with your kid’s oral health.
Here are the hidden causes of cavities in kids:
Sugary Foods
Juice is probably the number one culprit when it comes to the sugary foods your kids consume. Unless you are giving your children juice that you’ve freshly squeezed yourself, you should be wary. Look for juices that are naturally sweetened and do not contain artificial flavours.
Starchy Foods
Carbohydrates, when we consume them, get broken down into sugar and that sugar causes cavities. Keep your kids from eating too much white bread, fries and other fried food to avoid dental caries.
Fizzy Drinks
Soda pop destroys our teeth’s enamel, which leads to cavities. These drinks contain carbonation and phosphorus that are harmful to our children’s teeth.
Sticky Foods
Jelly beans, toffees, fruit roll-ups, caramels, lollipops — these are all foods that are high in sugar. Besides their exorbitant sugar content, they also stick to our children’s teeth causing cavities to form.
Foods That Have Sugar Substitutes
Just because a food is sugar-free or contains a sugar substitute doesn’t mean it’s good for your kid’s teeth. Avoid serving your children foods that are full of artificial sweeteners, as they can also cause cavities.
Bacteria Buildup
Kids put things in their mouths that they shouldn’t, especially when they’re toddlers. They also don’t wash their hands until prompted and suck their thumbs. Bacteria from the hands and whatever else your children put in their mouths can find its way onto their gums and teeth and create cavities.
Not Enforcing Proper Oral Hygiene
Kids aren’t always thrilled about brushing their teeth. In order to keep their mouths cavity-free, you have to encourage proper oral hygiene. You can make teeth brushing a family affair where everyone brushes their teeth together. This will show your child that you value not only their oral health but your own as well. Lead by example and ensure that your kids are brushing their teeth at least twice a day.
Avoiding The Dentist
Take your kids to the dentist for checkups. Avoiding regular dental checkups and cleanings is a sure way for your children to develop cavities. If you’re not sure at what age your children can start seeing a dentist, call your dentist and ask them. Plus, if they don’t see children they can recommend a pediatric dentist for you to bring your kids too.