4 Common Myths About Braces
Many people getting braces for the first time go into the experience with some misconceptions about what it is going to entail and how it is going to affect ...
3 Ways To Prevent Getting Food Stuck In Your Braces
Many teenagers and adults rely on braces to fix bite issues, straighten teeth, and fix large gaps. Despite their former reputation for being large, protruding inconveniences, braces have certainly ...
The Top 3 Foods That Are Bad For Your Tooth Enamel
Your tooth enamel is the most protective material in your whole body. It covers the entire outer layer of each tooth. It’s responsible for protecting your teeth from erosion and ...
You Need To Know These 4 Things If You Have Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a medical condition caused by the muscles in the back of the throat relaxing and contracting during sleep. This constricts the airway, which means not enough breath ...
Tips To Get Your Child Excited For The Dentist
Very few people get excited about going to the dentist, so it should come as no surprise if it’s not your child’s favourite activity. However, oral health and hygiene ...
3 Dental Emergencies That Require Immediate Action
Sometimes it can be difficult to tell if oral pain, swelling, or other discomfort is an emergency or not. Many people underplay the pain they feel, perhaps worried of ...