By Last Updated: March 7, 2022


TMD And Dizziness

TMD or temporomandibular joint disorders can sometimes be debilitating disorders. The temporomandibular joint is a hinge that connects the temporal bones of your skull to your jaw, just in front of your ears. It enables to move your jaw up and down and side to side so that you can talk, chew and yawn. TMD can make all of those actions quite painful, even impossible, as well as cause a host of other symptoms.

One of those symptoms is dizziness. Some TMD patients will report feelings of dizziness throughout their entire body, or a feeling that the room is spinning, which may place them in danger of losing their balance, falling and hurting themselves. You have sensors in your inner ear that account for your body’s position in the space around it, as well as for the effects of gravity. Signals are sent to your central nervous system by these sensors, which in turn allow your body to make compensations and adjustments to ensure that you are always balanced and upright.

The reason you may experience dizziness with TMD is that of the constriction of muscles of your face, neck, and head. Many people with TMD seek out the help of a neuromuscular dentist, who is intimately familiar with TMD and treating it. Jaw x-rays may be performed to determine diagnosis or the cause of the problem.

Dizziness is not always a symptom of TMD, but it is certainly one of the possible symptoms, and if you are experiencing it, you should talk to your dentist or have them recommend you to a neuromuscular dentist as soon as possible. While dizziness may sound like something fairly minor, if left untreated, it can be chronic and end up having a major impact on your quality of life.

If you are experiencing pain, tightness, or trouble opening and closing your mouth, it may be a sign that you are suffering from TMD, and dizziness might soon manifest itself as well. If you ever start to develop the above symptoms, always consult with a dental health professional immediately so that they can tell you what your options are and how you can go about alleviating the pain and/or discomfort associated with the condition.