A tooth whitening procedure restores the natural look of your smile and corrects issues related to stains that are hard to remove with traditional cleaning methods. The procedure is easy to apply and provides long-lasting results.
Certain foods are known to develop unsightly stains on the teeth. Although you may not need to eliminate them completely, it’s important to understand the restrictions that are required after a tooth whitening treatment.
Having the information you need after your tooth whitening treatment ensures that you achieve great results.
Tooth Whitening Procedure
Stained teeth create an inconsistent and unwanted look to your smile. Many people have used teeth whitening procedures to brighten their smiles. The results they achieve have made this one of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures available.
After you’ve undergone a tooth whitening procedure, you need to avoid staining them in the days that follow the procedure. You’ll need to modify your diet in order to avoid unwanted staining and allow your teeth to maintain their new look.
Considerations After Your Tooth Whitening Procedure
You should avoid the following immediately after your tooth whitening procedure:
- Coffee
- Red wine
- Tea
- Tobacco
- Blueberries
The two days following your procedure are the most important, as these substances can easily stain the surfaces of the teeth. They’re more likely to stain after a bleaching procedure. It’s also important to remember that teeth are porous, and these stains can be hard to remove once they’ve penetrated the surface.
Most dental professionals emphasize the importance of avoiding these substances for 48 hours, but they also note that the two weeks after your procedure are also important to consider. Implementing a thorough home cleaning regimen will maintain the look of your teeth.
Common Foods to Avoid After a Tooth Whitening Treatment
It’s important to avoid certain foods after your tooth whitening procedure. Also, many foods can lead to discomfort if your teeth are particularly sensitive.
In addition to the foods listed above, chocolate, beets, marinades, and soy sauce can all cause stains to appear on the teeth. It’s best to choose liquids such as milk or water, which leave no stains.
Juices that are dark in colour such as grape, cranberry, and tomato should also be avoided for the two weeks following your whitening treatment. You can also use a drinking straw to minimize the contact with your teeth.
These food restrictions enhance the results you achieve with your tooth whitening treatment. Understanding the importance of the two-week period following your procedure ensures that you make the right food choices for long-lasting results.