How Is A Night Guard Made By The Dentist Different Than The One I Buy At The Store?
Night guards are used most commonly in adults to prevent teeth grinding, also known as bruxism. Nocturnal teeth-grinding affects many people, and if you’re one of them your dentist ...
What Causes Teeth Grinding?
The sound of teeth rubbing against each other is like nails on a chalkboard for some, and with this condition, also known as bruxism when it occurs involuntarily, is ...
How To Choose Between Dental Implants And Dental Bridges
When you lose a tooth, you have two main replacement options. You can either undergo treatment for dental implants, or you can choose a dental bridge treatment. These options ...
What Causes Sensitivity? How Can I Treat This?
If you've ever experienced tooth sensitivity -- perhaps while eating cold ice cream or drinking hot tea -- then what you've really experienced is nerve irritation. And to call ...
6 Things To Know About Composite Dental Fillings
When you have a chipped or broken tooth or a cavity, your dentist may recommend that you get dental fillings to prevent further damage or infection. In the case ...
How To Transition To A Soft Diet After Dental Implants
After receiving dental implants, you’ll need to watch what you eat. Transitioning to a soft diet may seem like a hard thing to do but it’s what’s best for your ...